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Kartali 227 and Antonopoulou 206
382 21 VOLOS
0030-421-47502 (Metropolitan)
0030-421-47503 or 47593, 47501, 40758
0030-421-47405 or 40770, 52881

The Metropolitan

His Grace Metropolitan Ignatios (Georgakopoulos) was born in 1956 in Saint Dimitrios, Attica. He has studied Theology. He was ordained a deacon in 1976 and a priest in 1983. He was elected and ordained as bishop in 1998.


"Pliroforisi" monthly newspaper, "Psifides" monthly newspaper for the youth.

Institutions/ Foundations

Radio Station, Religious Center in Volos, Camping in Saint Lavrentios, Ecclesiastical High School with Boarding, Bookstore, Guest's room, School for parents and Byzantine music.


1. For monks

· Zoodoxos Pigi in Ano Xenia- Tel: 0422-22413

· Saint Kiprianos in Velestino- Tel: 0425-22439

· Transfiguration in Flamouri- Tel: 0421-73313

· Saint Prodromos in Anatoli

2. For nuns

· Dormition in Xenia- Tel: 0422-94265

· Saint Gerasimos in Makrynitsa- Tel: 0428-99179

· Archangels in Saint George- Tel: 0428-93590

· Saint Spyridon in Promyrio- Tel: 0423-71077

· Birth of Theotokos in Saint Vlasios- Tel: 0428-93736

· The Presentation of Virgin Mary in Saint Panteleimon- Tel: 0424-22266

· Saint Prodromos in Syki- Tel: 0423-54826

· Saint Lavrentios in Pilio- Tel: 0428-96226