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Administrative Structure

Synodical Liaison:
2022-2023 Most Rev. Chryssostomos, Metropolitan of Mani
2021-2022 Most Rev. Theologos, Metropolitan of Serrai and Nigrita
2020-2021 Most Rev. Panteleimon, Metropolitan of Xanthi and Peritheorion
2019-2020 Most Rev. Kallinikos, Metropolitan of Paronaxia
2018-2019 Most Rev. Panteleimon of Maronia and Comotini
2017-2018 Most Rev. Ioannis, Metropolitan of Lagadas, Liti and Rendina 2016-2017 Most Rev. Serapheim, Metropolitan of Piraeus
2015-2016 Most Rev. Ghermanos, Metropolitan of Eleia
2014-2015 Most Rev. Damaskenos, Metropolitan of Didymoteihon, Orestias and Suflion
2013-2014 Most Rev. Anthimos, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki

Most Rev. Damaskenos, Metropolitan of Didymoteihon and Orestias
Most Rev. Chryssostomos, Metropolitan of Messenia
Most Rev. Kallinikos, Metropolitan of Arta
Most Rev. Kyrillos, Metropolitan of Kifisia, Amarousion and Oropos
Most Learned Mr. Vlassios Feidas
Most Learned Mr. Georgios Androutsopoulos

Deputy Members:
Most Rev. Chryssostomos, Metropolitan of Nikopolis and Preveza
Most Rev. Panteleimon, Metropolitan of Maronia and Comotini
Most Rev. Chryssostomos, Metropolitan of Mani
Most Rev. Grigorios, Metropolitan of Peristeri
Most Learned Mr Theodoros Ghiagou
Most Learned Mr Nikolaos Xionis

V. Rev. Archimandrite Filotheos Koliopoulos
tel. no. 0030-210-7272229