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Administrative Structure

Most Rev. Athenagoras, Metropolitan of Ilion, Acharnais and Petroupolis

Most Rev. Nectarios, Metropolitan of Argolida
Most Rev. Hariton Metropolitan of Hellason
Very Rev. Archimandrite Nectarios Milionis
Very Rev. Archimandrite Meletios Kouraklis
Rev. Protopresbyter Konstantinos Spanos
Rev. Protopresbyter Antonios Kalligeris
Most Learned Mr Alexandros Stavropoulos
Most Learned Mr Theodoros Pittaras
Hon. Georgios – Stavros Koyrtis

Deputy members:
Very Rev. Archimandrite Ioannikios Giannopoulos
Rev. Protopresbyter Stavros Kofinas
Hon. Demetrios Anyfantakis

G. Secretary:
Very Rev. Archimandrite Spyridon Katramados
(tel. +30 210 7272 282, +30 6976204429, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)