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Administrative Structure

His Beatitude the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Ieronymos II.

Synodical Liaison:
2022-2023 Most Rev. Chryssostomos , Metropolitan of Eleftheroupolis
2021-2022 Most Rev. Theokletos, Metropolitan of Florina, Prespai and Eordaia
2020-2021 Most Rev. Gabriel, Metropolitan of Neas Ionias and Filadelfias
2019-2020 Most Rev. Georgios, Metropolitan of Thebes and Levadeia
2018-2019 Most Rev. Hariton, Metropolitan of Hellason
2017-2018 Most Rev. Chryssostomos, Metropolitan of Nikopolis and Preveza
2016-2017 Most Rev. Nikolaos, Metropolitan of Phthiotis
2015-2016 Most Rev. Serapheim, Metropolitan of Kastoria
2014-2015 Most Rev. Serapheim, Metropolitan of Stagoi and Meteora
2013-2014 Most Rev. Serapheim, Metropolitan of Karystia and Skyros

Most Rev. Alexandros, Metropolitan of Mantineia and Kynouria
Most Rev. Panteleimon, Metropolitan of Veria, Naoussa and Campania Most Rev. Eusebius, Metropolitan of Samos and Ikaria
Hon. Mr. Alexandros Antonopoulos
Hon. Mr. Andreas Athanasopoulos
Hon. Mr. Constantinos Koukolias

Most Rev. Iakovos, Metropolitan of Mytilini, Eressos and Plomarion
Most Rev. Demetrios, Metropolitan of Goumenissa, Axioupolis and Polykastron
Most Rev. Varnavas, Metropolitan of Neapolis and Stavroupolis
Hon. Mr. Dimitrios Georgoutsos
Hon. Mr. Ioannis Liakos
Hon. Mr. Theodoros Koutsoumpas

Very Rev. Archimandrite Panteleimon Papasynefakis
Tel. no. 0030-210-7272228