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The visit of a Delegation of the Anglican Church to the Church of Greece from May 8-12 has been completed successfully. The Delegation was composed of the Rt. Reverend Richard, Bishop of London, the Rt. Reverend David, Bishop of Birmingham, the Reverend Jonathan Goodall, Ecumenical Officer and Chaplain of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Father Malcolm Bradshaw, the Reverend Canon of the Anglican Church in Athens.

The Delegation first met with His Beatitude Ieronymos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, and with various Church officers in the subsequent days. Discussions were focused on cooperation regarding today’s challenges posed by immigration, on the need for peaceful living together of the different religions within Europe, environmental protection, and cooperation in charity issues and protection of the poor.

During the meeting of HB with the members of the Anglican Delegation, in his welcome address, HB the Archbishop emphasised that “the Church of Greece and the Anglican Communion constitute two of the main sources of Christian faith in the old Continent, which, within a common and dynamic framework, are faced by the same challenges, the same problematics, the same quests”. The Rt. Reverend Bishop of London stressed the need for Christians to promote a humane face and to achieve peaceful living together with the faithful of other religions within a modern pluralist Europe. Simultaneous translation was kindly provided by the Official Translator of the Church of Greece.

The Delegation of the Anglican Church departed for London on Tuesday morning.

{Translation into English by
Dr N. C. Petropoulos,
M.St., D.Phil. [Oxon.]}

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