Seat : Hios, postal code : 821 00, Hios, Greece
Telephone numbers : 0030-22710-43045, internal line no. 4 (Metropolitan), internal line no. 3 (Protosyngellos), internal line no. 5 (Vicar General and offices), fax no. 0030-22710-44046
E-mail addresses :
Internet website : http://www.imchiou.gr/
Most Rev. Markos, Metropolitan of Hios, Psara and Oinousses (secular name Markos Vassilakis) was born in Hios in 1965. He was ordained deacon in 1994 and Presbyter in 2000. He ministered as Preacher of the Holy Metropolis of Hios, Psara and Oinousses, Secretary and Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod, and teacher of Classics in secondary education. He holds a B.A. from the Department of Classics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens and a B.A. from the Department of Theology of the same University. He is doctoral candidate in Byzantine Literature in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens.
Press instrument : “Semantron” radio station 93.1FM, tel. no. 0030-22710-44040 fax no. 0030-22710-43372.
“Katartisis” bimonthly review
“Kateythyntheto” TV programme
Social work
General Charity Fund
54 Parochial Charity Funds
Agape meals : 700 persons are nourished daily
“Ministration of Patients” : in cooperation with 22 volunteer doctors of the Medical Association of Hios preventive medical care is provided free of charge to indigent patients. Moreover, a project contract was concluded with a medical doctor for the coverage of vacant on-call shifts in the medical offices of the Amani area
Church Foundations :
Α. “Saint Emilian the Confessor” Spiritual and Social Ministration Foundation in Kallimassia, Hios
Β. “Saint Mark” Spiritual and Cultural Centre of the Holy Church of Saint Mark of Vrontades
C. Varla Scholarships Foundation
Furthermore, the Most Rev. Metropolitan presides over the following bodies :
1) High Parochial Representation
2) “Agape Home”
3) Fight against Tuberculosis
4) Margaroni Scholarships Foundation
5) Panaghiotis and Melpomeni Gheorghili Scholarships Foundation
6) Visually Impaired Persons Care Foundation, in memory of Gheorghios and Maria Prinias and of Constantine and Penelope Madias
7) “Michael Elias Psomostithis Endowment” foundation for dowry-granting
“The Jesus Boat” Lectors’ Camping
Saint Markella Holy Pilgrimage 821 03 Volissos, Hios, tel. nos. 0030-22740-21269 and 0030-22740-21869
Blood Banks :
1. Holy Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God (“Theotokos”) in Kallimassia
2. Holy Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God (“Theotokos”) in Sykiada
3. Holy Church of Saint John the Theologian, city of Hios
4. Holy Church of Saint George Sykoussis
5. Holy Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God (“Theotokos”) in Messa, Didyma
6. Holy Church of the Holy Trinity in Elati
7. Holy Church of the Transfiguration of Christ the Saviour in Volissos
Varla Foundation, for students of Theology Faculties and Economics and Chemistry Departments, Zographou area, Attica