Seat : Kavala, P.O. Box : 1243, postal code : 654 03
Telephone numbers : Metropolitan 0030-2510-223222, offices 0030-2510-223141, fax no. 0030-2510-223283
E-mail address :
Internet website : http://www.im-philippon.gr/
Most Rev. Stephanos, Metropolitan of Philippoi, Neapolis and Thassos (secular name Aristoteles Tolios), was born in Eleutheroupolis, Kavala, in 1960. He obtained his first degree from the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1983. In 1984 he was tonsured monk in the Holy Monastery of Saint Theodora of Thessaloniki and in the same year was ordained deacon by the late Metropolitan Panteleimon Chryssofakis of Thessaloniki.
He ministered as deacon in the Holy Churches of Panagia Deksia (Virgin Mary holding the Infant Jesus with her right arm) and of the Patron Saint Demetrios, and at the same time as Secretary General of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki. For ten years he ministered as member of the Ruling Council of the Holy Monastery of Saint Theodora of Thessaloniki. On December 27, 1984, he was ordained Presbyter by the late Metropolitan Panteleimon Chryssofakis of Thessaloniki, was awarded the office of Archimandrite and was placed as hieratical overseer and chairman of the church committees of the Holy Byzantine Church of the Holy Apostles of Thessaloniki.
In 1994 he was transferred to and placed as chairman of the committees of the Holy Pilgrimage and Cathedral of God’s Wisdom in Thessaloniki. Moreover, as of 1989 he had been appointed as Chaplain in charge of the Student Homes of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
During his priestly ministration he developed considerable spiritual, homiletic and pastoral work. He speaks English and French. With the blessing of the All-Holy Metropolitan Anthimos of Thessaloniki, he continued ministering as Secretary General of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, a post he had held since 1984. On June 10, 2010, always with the blessing of the respective Metropolitan he was assigned the duties of Protosyngellos of the aforesaid Metropolis.
Press representation : “Parousia” radio station at 103.7FM
Social work
Love Banks :
1) Holy Church of Apostle Paul, Kavala, tel. no. 0030-2510-222113
2) Holy Church of Saint Demetrios, Chryssoupolis, tel. no. 0030-25910-22262
“Kitsikopouleion” Kindergarten, 654 03 Kavala, tel. no. 0030-2510-244817
“Saint Anthoussa” Nursing Home, Kavala, tel. no. 0030-25910-23381.
“Saint Silas” Foundation for Chronically Ailing Persons, 64 200 Chryssoupolis, tel. no. 0030- 25910-23381, e-mail address:
Church camping facilities at Skala, Kallirahi, Thassos, tel. no. 0030-25930-91208
Men’s Monasteries:
1) Saint Silas at Kavala, tel. no. 0030-2510-242511
2) Panaghia of Thassos, tel. no. 0030-25930-51394
Women’s Monasteries:
1) Transfiguration of the Saviour at Nikites, tel. no. 0030-25910-54236
2) Saint Panteleimon of Thassos, tel. no. 0030- 25930-71235