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Prot. No. 3669
Athens, 11th of August 2020
Dis. No. 1491

His Holiness Aram I,
Catholicos of Cilicia
Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia

Your Holiness,
It was with deepest sadness and mental pain that we were informed of the unexpected news of the devastating explosion in Beirut and of the ensuing darkness and shadow of death in which the country of Lebanon sunk as a consequence thereof.
The sorrowful news about the numerous deaths, the indefinite number of persons injured, the utter destruction of buildings, churches, hospitals and other structures indispensable to human living, the cries and tears of our fellow human beings rising from our beloved country of Lebanon, incited us personally as well as the Most Reverend Hierarchs of the Most Holy Church of Greece and the entire God-loving Greek people to express our most heartfelt and sincere feelings of sympathy and solidarity in Christ to Your Holiness.
On this occasion, Your Holiness, we would like you to know that our Most Holy Church, its clergy, monks and nuns, and its faithful people fervently pray to the God of mercy and every good intercession that He may send from the skies to the beloved people afflicted in the city of Beirut every consolation, patience, strength, confident hope, endurance and unfailing courage so that you may effectively address and overcome this unexpected calamity.
We firmly believe that the bleeding and bruised Lord of Glory, all-powerful in His works, will “with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (Cor. I, 10,13).

with love in Christ

† IERONYMOS II, Archbishop of Athens and all Greece