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Protocol Nr. 1561/735 Athens 30th April 2001

His Excellency,

The Honourable Mr Leonid Kuchma,

President of the Ukraine.

Your Excellency,

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster when a fire that broke out in one of four atomic reactors of the Chernobyl Nucleur Power Plant released more atomic fallout into the atmosphere than did the first atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima in 1945. Wind currents took up the radiation spreading it over vast areas of Europe. As a result thousands have died and it is estimated by some that close to 7.000.000 people throughout the world today suffer from the effects of the disaster. No small number of people in the Ukraine suffer from radiation- related thyroid cancer and not a few suffering from post-traumatic stress are in need of psychiatric support. Fortunately, last December witnessed the close of the last Chernobyl reactor – an action which undoubtedly cost the country a great deal in lost revenues - and we are sure that the Ukrainian Government has been doing all that it can to alleviate the suffering of its people, to restore and reclaim those areas contaminated by the accident,to upgrade and raise living standards and improve the quality of life of its citizens.

As we mark this Day of Remembrance, we join with you and the Ukrainian people as they observe this anniversary with Holy Liturgies and prayers in order to convey to you our own personal prayers and those of the Orthodox Faithful of Greece that God will protect both the people of the Ukraine and all other peoples of the world from such disasters in the future, and that He will guide Your Government in all its efforts to promote peace, prosperity and freedom in your Country and throughout the world.

With best wishes and prayers for God’s strength in the execution of your lofty duties,

+ C H R I S T O D O U L O S